180 Days of Self-Care for Busy Educators (A 36-Week Plan of Low-Cost Self-Care for Teachers and

180 Days of Self-Care for Busy Educators (A 36-Week Plan of Low-Cost Self-Care for Teachers and

B. inggris 1. rido is carrying two pails of water answer :

2. he is holding a bar of chocolate
answer :

3. tanti is drinking a glass of ice tea

4. i need a kilo of rice
answer :

5. she is cooking a bowl of noodles
answer :

1. rido is carrying two pails of water answer :

2. he is holding a bar of chocolate
answer :

3. tanti is drinking a glass of ice tea

4. i need a kilo of rice
answer :

5. she is cooking a bowl of noodles
answer :


1. Rido membawa dua ember air

2. dia memegang sebatang cokelat

3. Tanti sedang minum segelas teh

4. Saya butuh sekilo beras

5. Dia sedang memasak semangkuk mie


itu yaaaa, di artikan kan??
