180 Days of Self-Care for Busy Educators (A 36-Week Plan of Low-Cost Self-Care for Teachers and

180 Days of Self-Care for Busy Educators (A 36-Week Plan of Low-Cost Self-Care for Teachers and

Matematika Tentukan nilai x dan y dari persamaan 2×+3y=15 x -2y=-3 Dengan cara: A. Eliminasi B. Substitusi​

Tentukan nilai x dan y dari persamaan 2×+3y=15 x -2y=-3 Dengan cara: A. Eliminasi B. Substitusi​

Nilai y (Cara eliminasi)

2x + 3y = 15 | 1 | 2x + 3y = 15

x - 2y = -3 | 2 | 2x - 4y = -13

_______________________ -

7y = 28

y = 4

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Nilai x (Cara subtitusi)

x - 2y = -3

x - 2(4) = -3

x - 8 = -3

x = -3 + 8

x = 5

[tex]\red{\boxed{ \green\bigstar ~ \orange{\mathcal{A}thena ~ \mathcal{R}alinsha} ~ \green{ \bigstar}}}[/tex]
