180 Days of Self-Care for Busy Educators (A 36-Week Plan of Low-Cost Self-Care for Teachers and

180 Days of Self-Care for Busy Educators (A 36-Week Plan of Low-Cost Self-Care for Teachers and

Matematika tolong bantu jawab, pakai cara​

tolong bantu jawab, pakai cara​


U5 = 48

U8 = 384

Ditanya = U3...?


U8 = a × r^7 = 384

U5 = a × r^4 = 48 ÷

r³ = 8

r = ³√8

r = ³√2³

r = 2

a × r^4 = 48

a × (2)^4 = 48

a × 16 = 48

a = 48/16

a = 3


U3 = a × r²

= 3 × (2)²

= 3 × 4

= 12

semoga membantu
